World Book Night 23 April
Discover Quick Reads
In 2025 we’re creating a nation of readers, and we’re thrilled to feature the new Quick Reads series as the next World Book Night booklist. Quick Reads are short books and great stories by bestselling authors, written in an accessible and easy to read style. They’re a valuable tool for boosting reading skills, confidence and engagement in learning, and have led to thousands of adults reading, completing and enjoying a book for the first time.
You can also find recommendations of all the books we’ve featured on our curated booklists since 2011. Use our book sorter to find your next read across a range of genres.
Join in the celebration
We want you to get involved in World Book Night 2025! We love to see the creative events and activities that happen across the country on and around 23 April. Whether you’re celebrating with friends, family or colleagues, you can join in. Find out more.
World Book Night is run by The Reading Agency, a national charity that tackles life’s big challenges through the proven power of reading.