Since 2021, the #ReadingHour has been at the centre of our World Book Night celebrations. From 7pm to 8pm on 23 April, people across the UK dedicate time to reading. They do this in lots on different ways; reading alone, having a book club meeting, listening to an audiobook, or reading to children at bedtime to make it a family activity.
It doesn’t need to be the whole hour, but try to carve out some time for yourself to spend reading.
“I live alone and the World Book Night #ReadingHour makes me feel more connected to people. Even though I’m reading on my own during this time, I feel part of a community.”
“I joined up as a way to read for myself as a mindful activity and since joining I have realised that reading for pleasure is really important. It allows me time away from everything else – to relax and join a book.”
1 in 3 people in England don’t regularly read for pleasure, but we know the benefits that reading brings to our lives. We want to share this more people, encouraging everyone to set aside time in our busy lives to read more. Why should you read?
- 19% of readers say that reading stops them from feeling lonely
- Regular readers for pleasure have report fewer feelings of stress and depression than non-readers, and stronger feelings of relaxation from reading than from watching television or engaging with technology intensive activities
- Adults who read for just 30 minutes a week are 20% more likely to report greater life satisfaction
You can read a print book, e-book, or listen to an audiobook. It doesn’t matter what, how, or where you read, as long as you enjoy it. Pick up the book that you’ve been meaning to read for years, or borrow a book from your local library’s digital lending services (sign-up now if you’re not already a member). Take a look at this year’s Quick Reads for accessible, shorter reads, or find inspiration and recommendations in our lists dating back to 2011.
If you’re really stuck, just tweet us at @WorldBookNight and we’d be happy to provide a recommendation!
“It was good to have the excuse to sit down for an hour to read and not feel guilty about it.”